How to Clean an Old Dog's Teeth

Dogs' oral hygiene is an important part of their overall health. Neglecting to clean their teeth may cause problems and painful conditions such as plaque buildup and periodontal disease. Bacteria from the gums may travel through the bloodstream, affecting the dog's organs. This is particularly a problem for old dogs. With a little practice, it's possible to clean an old dog's teeth at home. Save money on costly trips to the vet for cleaning and improve the overall health and happiness of your old dog by cleaning his teeth daily.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog toothpaste
  • Finger brush or toothbrush for dogs


    • 1

      Approach the dog while he's relaxed. Apply a small amount of dog toothpaste to your finger and allow the dog to inspect it. The toothpaste won't harm the dog if he swallows some.

    • 2

      Hold the dog's mouth and move his lips away from the teeth.

    • 3

      Rub your finger with the toothpaste on the dog's teeth. Allow the dog to become familiar with this process for the first few days.

    • 4

      After two or three days, show a finger brush or toothbrush to the dog. Allow him to inspect it.

    • 5

      Apply toothpaste to the brush and hold the dog's lips away from its teeth.

    • 6

      Gently brush the dog's teeth in a small, circular motion and clean the gum line.