How to Make Dog Ear Cleaning Solution

Ear infections are common in dogs, especially those with long, floppy ears. Their L-shaped ear canals trap dirt, and their hanging ear flaps contribute to a warm, moist environment. These conditions create an ideal environment for the proliferation of yeast, bacteria or mites. Weekly cleaning can prevent ear problems or clear up mild issues before they become serious. Commercial ear cleaning solutions are available, or you can make your own with ingredients found at a grocery or health food store. Have a severe problem evaluated by a veterinarian before you begin home treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubbing alcohol or witch hazel
  • Vinegar (white or apple cider)
  • Purified water
  • Almond oil
  • Lavender or tea tree oil
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • Boric acid
  • Gentian violet
  • Dropper or squirt bottle


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      Determine what type of ear cleaning solution you want to make. A solution for regular weekly cleaning will be different than a solution for ear problems, such as ear mites or yeasty ear infections.

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      Fill the dropper or squirt bottle with 1 part purified water, 1 part vinegar and 1 part alcohol or witch hazel for routine cleaning. If your dog's ears are mildly inflamed or irritated, use apple cider vinegar and witch hazel instead of white vinegar and alcohol. The former are less acidic and will be less irritating to the ears than the latter.

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      Smother ear mites with an oil-based cleaner. Fill a small dropper bottle with 1/2 ounce almond oil, then add 10 drops of lavender or tea tree oil. Poke a hole in one end of a 400 IU vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents into the bottle. Mix well. If you have cats, skip the lavender or tea tree oil. Cats cannot metabolize essential oils and can react to them even if not directly exposed.

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      Fight yeast infections with an antifungal solution that keeps the ears dry. To a 16 ounce bottle of alcohol, add 4 tablespoons of boric acid and 16 drops of gentian violet. Use witch hazel instead of alcohol for irritated ears. Apply with care; gentian violet is also used as a dye and will stain skin, clothing, towels or fur.