Symptoms of Dog Death From Fleas

Most any pet owner has faced the problem of pet parasites. The flea is usually the first that comes to mind. According to the ASPCA, there are 2,000 species and subspecies of fleas that can use dogs as hosts. Some dogs have very serious allergies to fleas that can prove fatal. If left untreated, a large-scale flea infestation can cause death.

  1. Diseses

    • Aside from death caused by fleas alone, there are numerous diseases and other parasites that are transmitted through fleas that cause death. Tapeworms, parasites that live in an animal’s digestive tract, are transmitted through fleas, according to PetMD. Different types of bacteria that can cause lethal infections if left untreated are also transmitted through fleas.

    Constant Scratching

    • The most obvious symptom that a dog has a problem with fleas is constant scratching. In a fatal infestation, unless the dog has an allergy, the dog will most likely have visible fleas and eggs on its body. Intense scratching can cause lesions on the skin, which can become infected. Open sores can become infected if left untreated.

    Allergic Reaction

    • Flea saliva contains a large amount of bacteria. Some dogs are overly sensitive to this, and can have an allergic reaction when bitten. These dogs will develop much worse sores on their skin than an average dog, and as a result, are more susceptible to infection. Untreated infections can be fatal. Signs that a dog has an infection are redness accompanied with puss around the area, hair loss around the area and fever.


    • The most common cause of death from a flea infestation is anemia. According to PetMD, this condition occurs when there is a shortage of red blood cells. A flea, according to the ASPCA, can consume up to 15 times its own body weight in blood. Thousands of fleas on a dog will consume a substantial amount of the dog’s blood. Signs that a dog is anemic is if it's sleeping more often, exhibits a lack of self grooming, is listlessness, has pale gums or has a cold body temperature. A blood test can determine if a dog is anemic, and a bone marrow test will be conducted to determine the cause. According to the ASPCA, very small dogs and young puppies are at the highest risk of developing anemia.

    Prevention and Treatment

    • Preventing fleas from becoming a problem in the first place includes several medication choices: oral pills, topical creams and dips. According to PetMD, dogs with allergies could require steroids or antihistamines. If an infection has occurred as a result of fleas, dogs are prescribed antibiotics.