What Can Help Cure Mites for a Dog?

Ear mites can take hold in any dog, but those with weakened immune systems are more prone to infection. They cause discomfort and redness and, in extreme cases, deafness. Symptoms include scratching, excessive head shaking and other signs of itchiness.

  1. Topical and Oral Treatments

    • According to Vet Info, veterinarians prescribe topical insecticides to be dropped in the dog's ears and antiparasitic compounds, like pyrenthrins, thiabendazole, rotenone and ivermectin.


    • Certain herbal tinctures applied to dogs' ears, often made with non-irritating oils, may help treat ear mites, according to Natural Dog Health Remedies. Yellow dock, oregano, mullein and garlic and Oregon grape are among those.

    Homeopathic Remedies

    • Homeopathic remedies used to help treat ear mites include Apis, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Silicea.

    Immune System Boosters

    • Because dogs with compromised immune systems are more likely to become infected, boosting the immune system may help them fight it off. Vitamin C, apple cider vinegar and echinacea are recommended by Natural Dog Health Remedies.


    • Experts at Vet Info stress that persistence is key when attempting to cure ear mites. The full course of treatment must be diligently followed, sometimes for up to a month.