Symptoms of Canine Lymphosarcoma

Canine lymphosarcoma, also known as lymphoma or simply as LSA, is a cancer that affects specific blood cells known as lymphocytes, as well as lymphoid tissues in the canine body. According to the Canine Cancer Awareness Organization, lymphoma is the third most common canine cancer. Dogs of any age can develop lymphosarcoma, though middle-aged dogs between 6 and 9 are most commonly affected.

  1. Behavioral Changes

    • Behavioral changes, such as becoming lethargic, are not unusual in dogs who are severely affected by some type of lymphosarcoma. Some dogs may also display signs of depression, such as decreased activity, loss of interest in a favorite treat or a favorite toy.

    Changes in Skin Condition

    • Cutaneous lymphoma is a form of lymphosarcoma that affects the skin. This can be seen as various changes in the appearance of the skin such as ulceration, redness or itching. The dog also may experience what appears to be dandruff, such as flaking or scaling of the skin. In some cases, the dog may lose hair.


    • Dogs who are affected by the gastrointestinal form of lymphosarcoma may experience diarrhea. Diarrhea can vary greatly from dog to dog in regards to its frequency, color or consistency.

    Enlarged Lymph Nodes

    • Enlarged lymph nodes are often the most common symptom and in many cases, are the only symptom present in a dog with lymphosarcoma. The canine lymph nodes are located throughout the body including in the neck, chest, groin, armpits and behind the knees.


    • The mediastinal form of canine lymphosarcoma, which affects the chest cavity, can cause the heart to produce unusual muffled sounds, according to the Pet Education website.

    Loss of Appetite and Weight Loss

    • Loss of appetite can occur in dogs who are affected by any type of lymphosarcoma. The Canine Cancer Awareness Organization states that weight loss may occur and is considered one of the more severe signs of lymphosarcoma. The Merck Veterinary Manual adds that weight loss occurs during lymphosarcoma because of maldigestion and malabsorption.

    Respiratory Issues

    • In the mediastinal form of canine lymphosarcoma, the affected dog can experience difficulty with breathing.


    • With gastrointestinal forms of lymphoma, the affected dog may experience vomiting. Vomiting will vary in severity and frequency from dog to dog.