Signs of Pregnancy in a Female Dog

Like other animals and humans, dogs exhibit signs of pregnancy. The symptoms may be subtle in the early weeks and will usually become more obvious as the pregnancy progresses. Around the halfway point of a canine pregnancy, around 28 to 30 days, a veterinarian can administer a blood test to confirm if a dog is pregnant. However, there is currently no blood or urine test to detect early pregnancy in canines. Instead, owners must rely on their own observation of specific changes in their dogs' physical state and behavior, for indications of a possible pregnancy.

  1. Changes in Her Nipples

    • At around 14 to 15 days after conception, a pregnant dog's nipples will begin to darken and may appear larger or more swollen. Thinning of the fur around the nipples may also begin to occur, usually around 20 days post-conception.

    Loss of Appetite

    • Some pregnant dogs may lose their appetite around 25 days after conception and in some cases may not be able to keep food down. This usually only lasts one to two weeks and is a normal part of pregnancy for dogs.

    Vaginal Discharge

    • A pregnant dog may experience small amounts of clear discharge from her vagina beginning in the first month of pregnancy. This can continue to occur up until she gives birth.


    • Pregnant dogs may seem exhausted and choose sleep over activities that they would normally find enjoyable.

    Behavioral Changes

    • Some dogs may behave differently from their normal behavior once they become pregnant, and these changes vary by dog. For example, a normally calm and independent dog may begin seeking more attention, while another dog that had been very affectionate may become more withdrawn.

    Hearing the Pups' Heartbeats

    • At around 25 days post-conception, the heartbeat of the pups may be detected with the use of a stethoscope or Doppler. However, this is not a reliable method for confirming the number of pups the dog will birth.

    Weight Gain

    • As her pregnancy matures, the female dog should gain weight, although this is not always apparent until later in the pregnancy.

    Swollen Abdomen

    • A swollen abdomen is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy in dogs, although it may not be clear until the later stages. When and how much her abdomen grows largely depends on her size and the number of pups she is carrying. Some dogs' abdomens will appear large early on, while others may show much slighter and slower growth in their mid-sections.