How to Kill Fleas With Moth Flakes

Fleas are the bane of pet owners, not only because they are annoying and give countless itchy bites, but because they pose a serious health threat to pets. Flea problems left untreated can cause anemia in animals, especially cats; they can transmit tapeworm to your pet and also, in some cases, cause an allergic reaction resulting in hair loss and even breathing difficulties. Keeping your home and pet flea-free is an ongoing task, which starts with eradicating the initial infestation.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Moth flakes
  • Vacuum bags, disposable
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Plastic bag
  • Refined table salt
  • Dust mask


  1. Regular Cleaning

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      Put on your rubber gloves and place a handful of moth flakes into the bag of your vacuum cleaner.

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      Vacuum the entire house, paying particular attention to carpets and upholstered furniture. The fleas, larvae and eggs sucked up in the vacuum will be killed by the moth flake fumes accumulating in the vacuum bag.

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      Dispose of the vacuum bag, taking care not to open the bag wide and let fumes escape. Do not put your face over the bag and try as best as possible to avoid breathing in any fumes. Seal the bag inside a plastic bag before disposal.

    Heavy-duty Cleaning

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      Mix refined table salt with moth flakes and sprinkle over your carpets, on upholstered furniture, behind furniture and anywhere you have noticed fleas lurking. Make sure all your pets and family are outside while the moth flakes do their work--it’s a good time to take everyone for a walk in the park. Leave for two to three hours.

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      Vacuum the entire house thoroughly, making sure no moth flakes remain in carpets or on upholstery. The salt will dehydrate the fleas, while the moth flakes will finish them off. Wear your dust mask while vacuuming and open windows.

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      Dispose of the vacuum bag in a plastic bag before letting kids or pets back in the home. It is also advisable to mop the floors after vacuuming if applicable.