How to Treat Worms in Dogs at Home

Dogs are susceptible to many different kinds of internal parasites. Most of them won't cause long-term problems if they're treated immediately. Consult your vet if you suspect that your dog has worms. You need to know what kind of worm you're treating and how much medication to give your dog. You can get a dewormer from your vet and treat your dog at home.


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      Take your dog's stool sample to your vet so he can determine what kind of worm your dog has.

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      Weigh your dog and buy a dewormer appropriate for his weight. You can buy a dewormer from your vet, a pet supply store or a trusted online distributor.

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      Give your dog the dewormer as recommended on the label. Be watchful for any signs of the worms returning.

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      Use preventive measures to avoid further outbreaks. Pick up your dog's feces from your yard, especially in her kennel area. Use a flea repellent since tapeworm eggs live inside fleas and can be ingested when your dog chews them. Give your dog a monthly heartworm pill.