Supplements for Dry Skin in Dogs

Dry skin in dogs has many causes, including skin infections, allergies, dehydration, parasites, liver damage and hyperthyroidism. Once you and your veterinarian have determined the cause of your dog’s dry skin, you can start to treat the underlying condition. Meanwhile, certain dietary supplements can help relieve your dog’s itchy skin and keep it healthy and balanced.

  1. Fatty Acids

    • Certain fatty acids supplements can help heal and prevent dry skin in dogs, according to veterinarian Holly Nash at Pet Education. Fatty acids are found in plants and cold-water fish.

      The types of oil containing fatty acids used for dry skin on dogs include sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil and evening primrose oil. Side effects include weight gain and pancreatitis, though the latter is rare.


    • The term “bioflavonoid” refers to a group of supplements that stimulate cell reconstruction in the dog’s skin. Dry or damaged skin benefits from bioflavonoids because it speeds up the healing process.

      Dog-friendly bioflavonoids include quercetin, gingko biloba, coenzyme Q10 and grape seed extract, according to veterinarians at Vet Info.


    • There are many types of vitamins that are beneficial to dogs with dry, dull skin and coats, according to veterinarians at Vet Info. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin and helps treat bacterial infections. Vitamin B-2, or riboflavin, prevents dandruff.

      Vitamins B-5 and B-6 prevent skin allergies that can lead to dry skin, and vitamin C helps the immune system fight off dry skin-causing diseases such as mange and certain cancers.