Canine Eyelash Problems

Eyelash disorders are a common problem in many dog breeds. Certain breeds have be susceptible to developing eyelash disorders because of their facial structure or due to genetic abnormalities.

  1. Distichiasis

    • Some dog breeds may have an extra row of tiny eyelashes that can rub into the cornea and cause irritation. Cocker Spaniels, Pekingese and Shih Tzus are commonly affected by this disorder.


    • Trichiasis is a condition in which the dog's upper eyelashes grow inward toward the eyeball instead of out. Bulldogs, pugs and Pekingese frequently suffer from trichiasis.

    Ectopic Cilia

    • Ectopic cilia are small hairs that grow through the bottom eyelid and dig into the cornea. According to the Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Care website, golden retrievers and Shih Tzus are prone to this condition.


    • Entropion is a painful condition that occurs when the eyelids turn inward. This causes the eyelashes to rub against the surface of the dog's eye. Poodles, Shih Tzus and Lhasa Apsos are some of the breeds known to develop entropion.


    • Mild trichiasis can be treated by using a lubricant to coat the hairs, but severe cases of trichiasis as well as entropion, distichiasis and ectopic cilia are all treated using surgery to remove the eyelashes or hair follicles.