Fake Pregnancy in Dogs

Fake or false pregnancy in dogs is technically known as pseudocyesis. It is common in female dogs that have not been spayed. The dog behaves as if she were pregnant and can even produce milk.

  1. Time Frame

    • False pregnancy begins about 60 to 80 days after the female dog has been in season. It lasts for up to 12 weeks.

    Physical Symptoms

    • Symptoms of false pregnancy include swelling of the breasts, milk production, occasional vomiting, diarrhea, distention of the abdomen and listlessness. Some dogs may even appear to go into labor.

    Behavioral Symptoms

    • The dog will seek out and make a nest. She will then fill that nest with her favorite toys or small objects that become “puppies.” She may also become suddenly aggressive and protective of her "puppies."

    Serious Indications

    • If the dog begins to expel a strange-smelling, cloudy or white mucus-like discharge from the vagina, take her to a veterinarian immediately. This could be a potentially lethal infection of the uterus.


    • Usually no treatment is necessary, unless the dog becomes aggressive or her breasts leak enough milk to cause painful sores. The milk can be dried up with the hormone-based medication Bromocriptine. Spaying your dog eliminates the occurrence of false pregnancy.