A dog owner is used to seeing his dog&'s eyes, usually looking hopefully at him during dinnertime. Unusual dryness around a dog&'s eye can be a symptom of a skin infection.
Dryness around a dog&'s eye can be characterized by loss of hair around the eye and dry, scaly skin inside the bald areas. The visible skin might be red or flaky.
Dry patches of bald skin around a dog&'s eye can be caused by ringworm, a fungal infection. It can also be caused by mange, a skin condition triggered by mites, according to "The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook."
A veterinarian can diagnose the cause of dryness around a dog&'s eye by taking a scraping of the dry skin. By examining it under a microscope for fungal matter or mites, she can determine what is causing the problem.
Ringworm can be treated with topical anti-fungal medication. Mange can be treated with injections of medication, as well as special shampoos and washes.
Once the cause of hair loss and dry skin has been treated, the dog&'s fur will grow back and the skin and hair around its eye will return to a normal appearance.