Alternative Ways for Flea & Tick Prevention on Dogs

For today’s dog owners, there are more options for flea and tick control than ever before. You can buy a convenient, monthly topical solution or pill from a veterinary clinic. Shampoos, powders and sprays are readily available at pet stores and department stores. However, for the dog owner who wants to control parasites naturally and economically, many alternatives are available.

  1. Essential Oils

    • A mixture of essential oils can be effective in controlling fleas and ticks on your dog. Cedarwood, peppermint, lemongrass, rosemary and thyme all have some effectiveness in repelling these parasites. You should reapply essential oils to your dog daily and after bathing or swimming.

    Cleaning and Grooming

    • Employ a strict regime of cleaning your house and grooming your dog to keep fleas and ticks at bay. Bathe your dog frequently during the summer, and brush him at least once a day. Vacuum your floors and carpets daily or even twice daily, if possible.


    • Treat your dog’s environment, including her bed, kennel and yard. Introduce nematodes into your yard where your dog plays or sleeps. Nematodes are microscopic organisms in soil that feed on flea and tick larvae, breaking the life cycle of the parasites. Diatomaceous earth is a powder made of fossils, marine life and fresh-water organisms. Mined from quarries, diatomaceous earth kills fleas and ticks when the parasites come into contact with it.

    Flea Comb

    • An old-fashioned flea comb is one of the most effective alternative methods of controlling fleas on your dog. You should comb him daily. Dip the bristles of the comb into a bit of petroleum jelly so the fleas will stick to the comb as your run it through your dog's fur. Then dip the comb into a bowl of soapy water to drown the fleas. Combing with a flea comb gives you the opportunity to inspect your dog for ticks. Remove any that you find using tweezers. Ticks can be drowned in rubbing alcohol.


    • The strong immune system of a healthy dog is one of the best repellents for fleas and ticks. Feed your dog nutritional food, and make sure he gets plenty of exercise.

    Food Additives

    • Some food additives have properties that may help repel fleas and ticks. Nutritional brewer’s yeast is given at one teaspoon per pound of body weight daily. B Complex vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, apple cider vinegar, safflower oil, powdered kelp, seaweed and garlic can all be added to your dog's food.