Urinary Frequency in a Golden Retriever

Urinary frequency in dogs can be caused by several different factors, with the aging process being one of the most common reasons for a golden retriever's need to frequently relieve itself. However, there are other diseases and conditions that may cause a golden retriever to relieve itself more frequently.

  1. Causes

    • A golden retriever may urinate frequently because it has a urinary tract infection. Although younger dogs and puppies are more susceptible, urinary tract infections affect every age of golden retrievers. Canine diabetes is another cause. If a golden retriever has a hormone imbalance, it can affect the kidneys and cause your golden to urinate more often. Other causes could also be Cushing’s disease or bladder stones. Old age can sometimes also be to blame for urinating frequently. However it is important not to ignore the problem, unless your veterinarian says the problem is only due to old age.


    • Before you notice your golden retriever is urinating more frequently than usual, you may first notice it has been drinking more than normal. Many diseases, such as diabetes or cancer, don’t cause frequent urination directly. They cause the dog to drink more, hence causing the frequent urination. If hair loss, weight gain or loss, or vomiting occurs with urinary frequency, make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible because it could mean your golden retriever has Cushing’s disease.


    • If you are afraid your golden retriever may be suffering from any of these diseases or conditions, call your local veterinarian and make an appointment. Within a couple of hours of the appointment, obtain a urinary sample from your dog. The easiest way to do this is by using a ladle to catch the stream of urine. This will make it easier for the veterinarian to run tests. The veterinarian may also take X-rays to find the reason for frequent urination in your golden retriever.


    • Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Some causes of urinary frequency in golden retrievers can be treated with antibiotics or other oral medications. Other causes may be more difficult to treat and your golden retriever may even need surgery.


    • Many owners put off going to the veterinarian because they think their golden retriever’s urinary frequency is just old age. It is important to keep in mind that delays could cause more, or permanent, damage to your dog.