List of Poisonous Seeds & Foods for Dogs

As dog owners, we are often guilty of sharing our meals, treats and snacks with our furry companions as we eat. This habit leads to fat dogs who beg, but may also lead to severe and permanent damage, as some human foods are poisonous to dogs. If you're feeding your dog from your plate, do so with extreme caution, and always keep a list of poisonous foods in mind.

  1. Chocolate and Coffee

    • No matter how much they love it, dogs should never eat chocolate, as it contains toxins that act against a dog's brain function and may cause serious damage. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, shaking, hyperactivity and seizures that may actually kill small dogs.

      Anything that contains caffeine is also poisonous to dogs, as it speeds up the heart and nervous system processes. This restriction includes coffee and coffee grounds, chocolate, soda and any product that contains theobromine or theyphyline.

    Raisins and Grapes

    • According to Pet Education, both grapes and raisins contain a toxin that damages a dog's kidneys. This damage leads to kidney failure, which is an incurable condition that eventually kills dogs.

    Fruit Seeds

    • Although dogs benefit from eating vegetables and fruits, they should never eat the seeds. Apple seeds and peach, cherry and apricot pits are all poisonous to canines.

    Marijuana and Alcohol

    • No animal should drink alcohol or eat marijuana. According to Pet Education, marijuana suppresses a dog's immune system and leads to vomiting and changes in heart rate. Alcohol leads directly to intoxication, coma and death, as it can in humans. The difference is that dogs can't tell their owners when they need help.