Kidney Stones in a Lhasa Apso

According to Dr. Ron Hines, DVM, Ph.D. and author of the 2nd Chance website, Lhasa apsos are predisposed to developing kidney stones. This disorder occurs when crystals inside the kidneys or bladder unite to form stones.

  1. Symptoms

    • Lhasa apsos with kidney stones may struggle to urinate but can only release a small amount at a time. They may also have blood in their urine or have housebreaking accidents, according to the Branford Miniature Schnauzers website.


    • Pet Place indicates that some dogs can develop this disorder because of a dietary imbalance or a urinary tract infection, but Lhasa apsos usually acquire the disease genetically.


    • Veterinarians diagnose kidney stones through X-rays, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound, according to Pet Place.


    • Dr. Hines explains that some stones can be dissolved through specialized diets. Others must be treated through medication or surgery.


    • The Lhasa Apso Rescue website warns that Lhasa apsos who have been surgically treated for bladder or kidney stones may have difficulty containing their urine. The authors suggest being patient with the dog until it is completely healed.