Dogs have long, thin ear canals that can easily become filled with wax and other debris. Keep them clean to prevent infection and even irreversible hearing loss. Although many ear-cleaning solutions are available, natural cleaning solutions can be better for our environment and work in better harmony with living organisms, such as our pets.
Natural solutions contain elements that help trap and loosen foreign objects from a dog's ear canal, as well as soothe and help heal sore or itchy spots.
Natural solutions contain no artificial chemicals that may be harmful to the environment during their production. Also, natural products proponents, such as the Natural Products Associations, argue that natural ingredients are healthier options.
Natural solutions often contain one or more of the following: Tea tree oil, an antifungal and antiseptic; aloe vera, which helps heal topical wounds and has antifungal and antibacterial properties; chamomile, which is considered an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant; or witch hazel, which is an astringent and can help remove excess oil.
Available brands include Doggie Herbs, R-7, and Ark Naturals Ears All Right.
Always read labels carefully to ensure that only natural products are listed.
If your dog's ears omit a foul or yeasty odor, he may have an ear infection and should be taken to a vet immediately to prevent possible irreversible damage.