Dog Respiratory Infection Symptoms

About 70 percent of dogs will contract a respiratory infection at some point, according to estimates from the Koret Shelter Medicine Program at the University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, and many dogs will contract repeat infections. Recognizing the symptoms and understanding the treatment options can help a dog recover quicker and prevent more serious complications.

  1. Types

    • Common symptoms of a respiratory infection in dogs are coughing, sneezing, discharge from nose and eyes, lethargy, loss of appetite and, in severe cases, fever. Canine influenza and bordetella (kennel cough) can lead to severe respiratory infections or pneumonia. Most respiratory infections in dogs are caused by minor cold viruses.


    • Symptoms of a viral respiratory infection in dogs usually last seven to 10 days and clear on their own. The dog's nose and eyes will have a clear discharge, and no fever will be present. In bacterial infections, the discharge will often be discolored and the dog will develop a fever. If symptoms last more than 48 hours, no matter the cause, a veterinarian should be consulted.


    • Treatments to relieve symptoms of respiratory infections in dogs include increased fluids, nutritional supplements, cough suppressants and use of a humidifier to ease congestion. In some cases, veterinarians may prescribe antibiotics.


    • Dogs with symptoms of respiratory infections are contagious to other dogs. Sick pets should avoid dog parks, doggy day cares and other areas where large groups of dogs congregate. Canine respiratory infections are rarely transmitted to humans or other species.


    • Respiratory infections and the medicines that treat them can cause a loss of appetite. A dog that has not eaten in more than 48 hours should be seen by a veterinarian to get nutritional support, likely by feeding tube or IV. Dogs that go without food for more than 48 hours may develop complications with internal organs.