How to Find Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs

Bach flower remedy is flower essence specially made for humans and animals including dogs. It contains the "energy of medicinal herbs." It is considered a homeopathic remedy rather than an herbal remedy as it works by affecting energy levels as opposed to chemical balance. Like humans, dogs can experience a wide variety of emotions including stress. Bach flower remedies help to remove blocks in a dog&'s energy that can cause problems like hyperactivity, fear and aggression. The effects of Bach flower remedy are often more immediate in dogs and other animals than in humans due to animals&' "innate harmony with their surroundings" and are therefore less prone to becoming unbalanced.

As with all herbs, such treatments are not regulated by the FDA and the following information is not meant to diagnose or treat physical and mental conditions.

Things You'll Need

  • Bach flower remedy
  • Small pieces of bread


    • 1
      Choose the right treatment for your dog based on its behavior.

      Research Bach remedies for dogs. There are lists available online about the different types of Bach flower remedies and what type of dog behavior it treats. For example aspen Bach flower remedy treats fearful and anxious behavior while crab apple will treat a dog who is constantly licking and nibbling at his hair and skin.

    • 2
      Large dogs require 10 drops of remedy three times daily.

      Find out the correct dosage of Bach flower remedy depending on the size of your dog. Small dogs only require three drops of a specific remedy three times daily. Medium and large size dogs require five and 10 drops three times daily respectively.

    • 3
      Soak the remedy into a small piece of bread if you cannot put it directly in the dog&'s mouth.

      Administer the treatment directly into the dog&'s mouth if possible. If not Bach flower remedy can be soaked into a small piece of bread or sprinkled over food. Placing drops of the remedy in your dog&'s water dish is another option.

    • 4
      Slowly discontinue use when the dog shows signs of improvement.

      When the dog shows signs of improvement do not stop administering the treatment right away. Instead slowly reduce the intake of the remedy over a nine day period. First give three drops of the remedy three times daily for three days. Follow this by giving the dog three drops twice daily for another three days and finally administer three drops once daily for the final three days.