Vitamins for Old Dogs

As dogs grow old, owners should feed them a healthy, balanced diet along with vitamins. Vitamins play a large role in the health of dogs, from strengthening teeth and bones to boosting the immune system to help prevent and fight off illnesses. Understanding the value of each vitamin can ensure that dog owners do their part in protecting their elderly dogs. A veterinarian should determine the dosage for individual vitamins, to avoid giving too much or too little. Multivitamins, such as Nutri-Vet Senior Vitality and Drs. Foster and Smith's Premium Senior Plus Dog Vitamins, are available for older dogs, to help ensure the proper dosage.

  1. Vitamins A and C

    • Vitamin A helps to prevent hardening, dryness and itching of the dog's skin, and can also be helpful in protection against illness. Vitamin C makes dogs less likely to develop hip dysplasia, ruptured discs, viral disease, bacterial infections, skin problems and spinal disorders. It also helps boost the immune system, helping dogs fight off infections.

    B Vitamins

    • B vitamins help give old dogs energy. Vitamin B1 boosts the intelligence of dogs and may help to prevent parasites. Vitamins B2 and B3 aid in fat and protein metabolism, and may prevent cataracts and control seizures. Vitamin B5 assists in the body's production of antibodies to fight off infections. Vitamin B6 is necessary for utilizing the minerals needed for a healthy nervous system; B6 deficiency can lead to anemia, artery disease and kidney stones. Vitamin B9, or folic acid, is important to prevent poor appetite. B12 works to prevent nerve damage and helps with the digestion of food. B complex is usually included in dog multivitamins, and is also available in an injectable form.

    Vitamins D and E

    • Vitamin D is important in helping a dog's body metabolize calcium and phosphorus, which keep bones and teeth strong. Vitamin E works to improve the efficiency of the heart and circulatory system. This vitamin helps in dilation of small blood vessels, leading to increased oxygen supply to the entire body. These benefits may improve the immune system, muscle power and stamina.

    Vitamins H and Calcium

    • Vitamin H helps prevent skin disorders in dogs. This vitamin also boosts the function of thyroid and adrenal glands, while also assisting the nervous system. Calcium is very important for keeping the bones and teeth of elderly dogs strong.