Canine Acute Kidney Failure & Topical Antibiotic Ointments

Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are poisoned or damaged, and stop functioning the way they should. Normally the kidneys filter an animal&'s blood to send toxins and extra fluid into the urinary tract. When they stop working, toxins and fluid build up and damage the animal&'s body. Poisoning is one of the most common reasons for kidney failure. In dogs, poisoning often occurs when they eat something they shouldn&'t.

  1. Causes

    • Kidney failure occurs for a number of different reasons, including age, genetics, diet and outside factors. According to Pet Place, some of the most common causes are poisoning, trauma, cancer and inflammatory disease.


    • When a dog&'s kidneys stop functioning, the dog experiences some standard symptoms. Early symptoms like fatigue and increased thirst are easy to miss. Later, though, as toxins build up in the dog&'s system, it will begin to experience vomiting, anorexia, bloody urine, lack of coordination, weakness and depression. Kidney disease is a fatal disorder and always ends in death.


    • Kidney failure is a breakdown of the dog&'s organs, and is therefore incurable. Owners and vets seek to make a dog comfortable through the rest of its life by managing the problem with a gentle, stress-free lifestyle and a diet the promotes good kidney function.

    Antibiotic Ointments

    • Antibiotic ointments contain medication in a topical solution, for use on skin irritations or infections. Vets prescribe such ointments for scheduled applications, and teach owners to spread the antibiotic over a dog&'s skin. Topical antibiotics are not used in treating kidney disease.

    Antibiotic Ointment Toxicity

    • Antibiotic ointments are for topical application only, and often contain chemicals that will poison dogs. If a dog eats the antibiotic ointment, it may lead to severe repercussions, including poisoning of the kidneys as they try to filter the chemicals out of a dog&'s blood. That poisoning leads to kidney damage and eventual failure.