How to Treat Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Flea allergy dermatitis is a skin irritation caused by flea bites. It can affect dogs and cats--even humans--but we'll discuss it in pets. The first indication that the animal has the condition often shows up when the pet is licking and scratching its body. This further irritates the skin and causes even more damage. Look closer and you may see inflamed skin, sores or patchy areas where fur has been lost.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels
  • Comb
  • Flea powder or flea spray
  • Anti-itch salve
  • Vacuum, fresh bags, moth balls
  • Monthly topical flea treatment (recommended) or
  • Flea collar


  1. Check the Pet

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      Check if the pet really has fleas. Other skin conditions can also cause the scratching or sores, so pull the comb through the fur gently and look for fleas. If you don't see fleas themselves, look for "flea dirt" that looks like black or red/black dandruff. Place some on a wet paper towel and if it turns reddish, chances are it's from the pet's blood.

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      Bathe the pet with a flea shampoo and leave it on for the amount of time recommended. Use cool water to avoid making the itching worse.

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      Apply a salve such as Calamine lotion or other anti-itch cream to the affected area of the skin to relieve the itching and avoid the pet aggravating the problem by further damaging the skin.

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      If the reaction seems really severe and your pet has open sores, take the animal to a veterinarian who can prescribe antihistamines, antibiotics, or steroids.

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      Use an effective, safe flea control product such as a topical "spot-on" treatment monthly--some brand names are Avantage, Frontline, and Revolution--to kill existing fleas as well as to prevent further contact with fleas. (Check the flea shampoo and the flea control product to see if you can apply this immediately after the flea shampoo.) You can use a flea collar but they are less effective.

    Avoid Re-Infecting the Pet

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      Clean all area's of the house to remove fleas and flea larvae. Wash the pet's bedding. Vacuum the carpet, floors, furniture thoroughly. Fleas can hide in small cracks. Use three moth balls in the vacuum bag to help kill any fleas the vacuum picks up. Then throw the bag into a trash can outside the house. Because moth balls are poisonous, keep them away from kids and animals.

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      If the problem seems to cover a wide area of the house, use a flogger designed to kill fleas and flea larvae. Or call a professional exterminating service.

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      If all else fails, call a professional exterminating service. Your treatment will be for nought if the pet continues to be reinfected with fleas.