Home Remedies for Roundworms in Dogs

Roundworms are the most common intestinal parasite found in dogs (See Reference 1). These worms, often called spool worms or ascarids, are whitish-to-cream colored and have round bodies. They are easy to spread and hard to control. Several commercial medications are available to treat this parasite and are advised for serious cases, but less expensive natural remedies often can be effective in milder cases and are readily available for the dog owner to use.

  1. Garlic

    • Depending on the dog's size, feed him one half to 2 garlic cloves (chopped or finely grated), by mixing it with his food. Repeat daily until the worms are gone. Garlic encourages expulsion of intestinal parasites by detoxifying and stimulating elimination. Garlic also has antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation caused by parasites.

    Oat Bran

    • Add 2 teaspoons of oat bran to each meal until the roundworms are gone. Oat bran provides roughage, which can help to flush the digestive system. Carrots and turnips also provide a great deal of roughage.

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    • Diatomaceous earth consists of fossilized remains of prehistoric water plants. The fine particles are slightly sharp and will cut through the worms' protective coating, resulting in dehydration and death. DE is natural and safe for internal use in dogs. However, make sure you purchase the natural unrefined type. Mix 1 teaspoon of DE with every meal until the worms are gone.

    Wormwood Herb

    • Wormwood herb comes in liquid or powder form and can be purchases at your local health food store. It acts as a digestive tonic, promoting digestive cleaning and restoring digestive health after parasite infections. Use the recommended amount per the bottle until the worms are gone. Other herbs considered digestive tonics are Ruta graveolens, cloves and neem.