Herbs to Help Arthritis in Dogs

Dogs with arthritis typically require medications to help alleviate the pain they are dealing with. Unfortunately, many of these medications have potentially harmful side effects that can cause serious damage. As a result, many pet owners look to herbs and other natural remedies to relieve the pain. Using herbs to treat arthritis pain is not only effective, but it is safe as well. However, before treating your pet, consult with your veterinarian to make sure the pain is actually caused by arthritis and isn&'t indicative of another issue.

  1. Garlic

    • One of the causes of arthritis pain is inflammation in the affected joint. According to the Natural Dog Health Remedies website, garlic can help to reduce inflammation, particularly in overweight dogs that suffer from hip problems. Add fresh garlic to your dog’s diet daily to offer pain relief. Dr. Pitcairn, author of "The Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," suggests adding half a clove to the food of dogs that weigh between 10 and 15 pounds. Give one clove to dogs that weigh between 20 and 40 pounds, and two cloves to dogs that weigh between 45 and 70 pounds. Two and a half cloves should be given to dogs that weigh between 75 and 90 pounds, and dogs that weigh over 100 pounds should be given three cloves.


    • Tumeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties that are similar in strength to that of cortisone, which is a synthetic steroid. However, tumeric is a lot safer than using synthetic steroids. The Natural Dog Health Remedies website suggests sprinkling a small amount of the dried herb onto the arthritic dog’s food each day.

    Cayenne and St. John&'s Wort

    • Cayenne and St. John’s wort are herbs that are effective in relieving joint pain due to arthritis. Additionally, St. John’s wort can speed up the healing process in inflamed joints, injured nerve endings and in other trauma injuries. Consult with a holistic veterinarian as to how much of these herbs you should give to your dog.

    Licorice Root

    • The Herb Companion website suggests treating pain that is caused by arthritis by giving affected dogs licorice root. This herb contains large amounts of anti-inflammatory properties that are also similar to cortisone, but without the harmful side effects. The downside to using this herb is that it can take a few months to start working. Consult with a holistic veterinarian for dosage instructions.


    • Feverfew is another herb that is helpful in reducing inflammation and pain in dogs with arthritis. This product is particularly effective in treating extremely painful cases and for dogs that are experiencing muscle pain as well.