Herbal Remedies for Canine Skin Problems

Dogs are susceptible to a number of skin problems. Many dogs suffer from allergies, sunburns, bug bites and rashes, to name a few. Fortunately, safe, natural, herbal treatments are available for many of these conditions. Sometimes these treatments will only provide temporary relief, so if your dog has an ongoing skin problem, seek veterinary advice.

  1. Aloe Vera

    • Aloe vera is an excellent natural remedy for burns and irritations. Purchase aloe vera gels at the store, or, if you grow your own aloe vera plants, simply break a stalk from the plant in half and use the gel that comes out. Rub the gel gently on the dog's burns or rashes. This will cool and soothe any irritation. Reapply as often as needed.

    Burdock Root

    • Sprinkle burdock root onto your dog's food to help keep him healthy. This root is used for detoxification, and it also improves skin health. It can help to heal existing conditions and build the dog's immunity to future problems. This is a good method for keeping the dog healthy from the inside out.

    Witch Hazel

    • Witch hazel is an extract that comes from a flowering plant of the same name. It can treat skin conditions such as insect bites or any inflamed areas. It works as an astringent and reduces swollen areas back to their normal size. Apply witch hazel to a cotton ball and dab lightly on any affected areas.

    Epsom Salt

    • Epsom salts are especially good for itching or infected areas. Fill a small tub, bucket or bowl with warm water and mix 1 tsp. salt for every 2 cups of water. Bathe any affected skin areas in the mixture. Repeat this every day until the infection is gone. If the infection does not improve after several weeks, seek veterinary care.