Common Illnesses With Dogs

There are a few illnesses that dogs commonly experience. Knowing their signs and symptoms can help you to identify them and seek treatment fast. If you think your dog has an illness, take it to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

  1. Parvovirus

    • Parvovirus is a contagious disease that is potentially fatal. According to the Doctors Foster and Smith website, parvovirus is typically categorized by bloody and extremely loose diarrhea and vomiting. Adult dogs can contract this virus, but it is more common in puppies, whose immune systems are not fully developed. Dogs can become infected with parvovirus through direct and indirect contact with infected feces. The feces can stay contagious on inanimate objects, such as toys or cages, for up to five months. Be sure to get your puppy vaccinated for the disease the suggested amount of times. In addition, do not let your pup interact with other dogs until it has received all of its vaccines. Avoid letting your pup come in contact with sick animals or other animals' vomit or feces.

    Kennel Cough

    • Infectious tracheobronchitis, also known as kennel cough, is an illness that can cause severe coughing in a dog. Tracheobronchitis is highly contagious and is contracted when a dog comes in contact with an infected canine. Dogs with kennel cough will often display a dry, hacking cough that sometimes ends with a retching. The cough can have a honking sound, and the dog can have discharge coming from its nose. In severe cases, the dog can have a fever, refuse to eat and become lethargic. Dogs that contract kennel cough have usually been kenneled recently or have been around lots of other canines at places such as dog parks or obedience classes. To keep your dog from getting kennel cough, have your veterinarian administer the vaccine. In addition, do not allow your dog to be around sick dogs, particularly if yours is a puppy.


    • The presence of parasites in a dog can cause it to become severely ill. According to the Pet Place website, parasites can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and even anemia. Common parasites found in dogs include roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Parasites are contracted through infected feces, or a mother can give them to her puppies while they are in the womb. Once the infected dog has been rid of the parasites, preventive medication may be required to keep them away.