Vitamins are as important for dogs as they are for people. While most dog foods contain some vitamins, supplements may also be necessary. Vitamin and mineral supplements can help treat or prevent various skin allergies, infections, rashes and other skin diseases. They can also boost protein metabolism, which leads to a healthy skin and coat and prevents hair loss.
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex tablets are a balanced form of several B vitamins. (See Reference 2) A deficiency in these vitamins can lead to hair loss. Small dogs should receive a regular B complex supplement twice a day. B 50s, a high potency formula, should be given twice a day to medium dogs, and B 100s should be given twice a day for large dogs.
Vitamin E
For treatment of skin problems such as rashes, sores and eczema, supplement your dog’s diet with vitamin E. This vitamin occurs naturally in vegetable oils, meat, wheat germ, nuts and green leafy vegetables. Doses range from 100 to 400 IU depending on the size of the dog.
Gammalinolenic Acid
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in evening primrose oil, black currant oil and borage oil. In addition to promoting healthy skin, hair and nails, it is also helpful in treating certain skin conditions, arthritis and autoimmune disorders. For small to medium dogs, supplement with 500 mg of GLA daily. Large dogs should receive 500 mg twice daily.
Omega-3 Fish Oil
Use an omega-3 fish oil supplement if your dog is having trouble with dry skin. These supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent dry, flaking skin. Omega-3 fatty acids occur naturally in ground flax seeds and sardines. Supplement your dog’s diet with either a 1000 mg fish oil capsule, 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds or 2 sardines daily.
Melatonin is a synthetic hormone supplement that can be purchased at a health food store. Supplement your dog’s diet with 3 mg tablets daily for two to three months. Melatonin is especially helpful treating dysplasia, or alopecia x. With this condition, the dog loses hair on his sides and the skin may appear black in color. Half of the dogs afflicted with this condition will benefit from a melatonin supplement.
Vitamin A
Use vitamin A with melatonin to treat conditions like dysplasia. Vitamin A can help treat sebaceous cysts and some bacterial infections while promoting skin and hair growth. The main source of vitamin A is the carotene in plants, and a raw carrot can be given instead of a supplement.