As your dog ages, its nutritional needs will change drastically. Older dogs are unable to get their daily doses of vitamins from food. To aid your dog&'s overall health, you can add vitamins and supplements to its diet to give it the boost it needs to keep it happy and healthy. The key to you dog&'s long and healthy life is you.
Joint Supplements
Vitamins in pill form. As your dog ages, it will experience joint problems. Hip joints and knee joints are the most commonly affected as these experience the most use during the life of your dog. To help with joint stiffness, swelling and pain, use a good joint supplement with glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are the building blocks of cartilage and joint fluid. They work together to boost the cushioning around your dogs joints.
The Mulitvitamin
The multivitamin has long been used by humans as a source of our body&'s vitamin needs in an easy to swallow pill form. These convenient multivitamins are available for you dog as well. Multivitamins are sold according age range. As your dog gets older than 6 years, a "senior" multivitamin would be suited for its needs. A good multivitamin should contain Omega-3 fatty acids to aid in healthy joint, heart and digestive function as well as to keep its coat looking shiny and healthy.
Dietary Supplements
Older dogs that maintain a healthy digestive system fair better in their old age. To aid in weight maintenance and digestive health a high quality dietary supplement should be used to boost the overall functions your aging dog&'s digestive tract. A suitable dietary supplement for your aging dog should contain live cultures of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. This bacteria is the same that is found in yogurt. This bacteria aids in maintaining regularity and a healthy digestive tract.