Diet for a Dog that Was Just Spayed

Although very common, spaying your dog requires surgery. After surgery, dogs need plenty of rest to give them time to heal. The proper food also gives spayed dogs proper nutrition for their new, adult bodies. Although owners do not need to drastically change their dog's diet, there are a few food adjustments for most dogs after getting spayed.

  1. Post-op

    • Some veterinarians allow dogs to go home the same day as the spaying surgery. It takes about 30 minutes for the dog to wake up, but veterinarians wait until all disorientation vanishes. Those who take their dog home that first day should not allow him to drink or eat anything for an hour after coming home, according to the Community Spay Neuter Initiative Partnership (C-SNIP). Sometimes the excitement of the homecoming causes them to excessively drink and eat, and then they vomit.


    • After the first hour home on the day of surgery, give your dog very small amounts of food throughout the afternoon and evening, says C-SNIP. The next day, begin her regular feeding routine. Offer familiar foods. After surgery isn't the time to introduce new foods.


    • After a spaying, some dogs have no interest in food for a couple of days. Even if you take your dog home the day after surgery, go ahead and offer her regular food in regular amounts. If she doesn't want to eat, however, don't force it. It does take some dogs a while after surgery want to eat.


    • People often think the simple act of spaying a dog causes her to gain weight. In reality, overfeeding a dog who no longer needs extra calories to grow makes her gain weight, according to the Daily Puppy. Many dogs get spayed right at the end of their puppy life. Puppies need plenty of calories to grow. The same puppy food, however, gives adult dogs too many calories. Since they don't need the additional calories to grow, they gain weight.

    Proper Diet

    • The proper diet for an adult dog after spaying includes eliminating puppy food varieties. Gradually introduce her to adult or diet dog food. If you gave your puppy regular dog food, simply reduce the amount for your spayed dog. Healthy dog treats for the spayed dog include apples, fresh green beans, and carrots, suggests the Daily Puppy.