Conventional heartworm preventative medicines can be costly. In addition, these medications actually break down an animal's immune system over time, making him even more susceptible to these parasites. Because heartworm can be deadly for both dogs and cats, you may want to consider using black walnut extract. This natural remedy is safe, effective and relatively inexpensive.
Cause of Heartworm
Heartworm is caused by a mosquito bite, though not all mosquitoes carry heartworm. An infected mosquito will deposit larvae into the pet's bloodstream. These larvae will spread to the heart and lungs where adult worms grow, interfering with breathing and heart functions.
Black walnut extract has anti-parasitic properties. For this reason, it can be effective in not only removing parasites such as heartworm but also can remove other types of worms such as roundworm and hookworm from an animal's system. It can even aid in controlling fleas and ticks on both dogs and cats.
Black walnut is a good preventative for heartworm because it causes the pet to be unattractive to mosquitoes and therefore less likely to be bitten in the first place. It will also make your pet less attractive to fleas and ticks, which should reduce the instances of infestation and need for commercial flea treatments.
Companion Herbs
Many herbs have characteristics that aid black walnut extract in cleansing parasites and are also used in herbal tonics for heartworm disease along with black walnut. These include garlic, wormwood and cloves. Garlic is thought to be a blood purifier so it supports a healthy immune system, but do not give it in large doses. Wormwood also has anti-parasitic qualities, while cloves emit a scent that makes a dog unattractive to parasites.
Start giving pets only small doses to make sure there will not be a reaction. Use 120 mg of extract from a black walnut hull once or twice a week in pets that are under 25 lbs. Gradually increase to a daily dose with food. For pets that weigh over 25 lbs., use 240 mg of extract one or two times per week and gradually increase to daily.
Where to Buy
Buy natural remedies for heartworm that contain black walnut from a holistic veterinarian if one is available in your area. You may also purchase black walnut extract or tincture from many health food stores. A few online retailers carry heartworm preventative supplements containing black walnut, but you should discuss these medications with your veterinarian before purchasing.
Black walnut is not guaranteed to cure a pet that is in the advanced stages of heartworm disease. Most pet owners are successful in removing heartworms when they discover the disease during the first three months after infestation. Have your dog or cat screened regularly for the presence of heartworm. Once an animal has been determined to be heartworm free, using black walnut extract for preventing future instances is usually very successful if you give the pet his medication consistently.