Natural Home Remedies for Dogs With Diarrhea

Just like humans, dogs can sometimes have diarrhea. Often, diarrhea in a dog is not serious and can be treated at home. You can try a home treatment before going to a veterinarian for medication. If the diarrhea does not improve, take your dog to the veterinarian to see if there is an underlying cause to the condition.

  1. Fast

    • Canine diarrhea can be caused by something your dog ate or simply by an upset stomach. Oftentimes, allowing him to continue eating will only result in more diarrhea. Put the dog on a 24-hour fast to allow the upset stomach to pass. If the diarrhea continues after he has fasted for a day, call the veterinarian.

    Bland Diet

    • If your dog is having diarrhea after he eats, he may be having trouble digesting his dog food. Try putting him on a bland diet. You can cook plain chicken with no bones or skin and plain white rice. Those foods will be much easier for your dog to digest. Let him eat small amounts every four hours. If the diarrhea continues after two days, contact your veterinarian.


    • Dogs with diarrhea can become dehydrated very quickly. Encourage her to drink a lot of water so that she doesn't get sicker because of dehydration. Another way to quickly hydrate your dog is to give her Pedialyte. Pedialyte is made for sick children and contains electrolytes that are lost through diarrhea.