Remedies to Kill Fleas on Skin Sensitive Dogs

Fleas are wingless insects that can jump up to 100 times their height and survive on the blood of your dog. While there are many harsh chemicals that will eliminate these pests, some chemicals are not good for dogs with sensitive skin. For these dogs, pet owners can use remedies that are not harsh and will not cause skin irritation.

  1. Flea Comb

    • Using a flea comb is a great way to rid your dog of fleas, without using chemicals. Make sure the dog's fur is completely brushed so that the comb will go through the fur without getting stuck. Fill the bathtub with enough water to cover your dog's feet and add a couple of tablespoons of dish soap. Put a small amount of soapy water to the area you are going to comb first and start combing. Check and comb areas by the belly and lower back, as these are common places fleas like to produce eggs. The comb will pull out the fleas and eggs. This procedure should be repeated until no fleas or eggs are present.

    Homemade Flea Spray

    • Make a homemade flea spray for dogs with sensitive skin. Mix 2 ½ cups of warm water, 2 drops of pure lavender oil and 2 drops of pure cedarwood essential oil in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture and spray all over the dog's fur. Avoid the eye area by placing a small wash cloth over the dog's eyes while applying the flea spray. Reapply frequently as the smell can evaporate quickly and the smell is what repels the fleas.

    Herbal Flea Collar

    • Herbal flea collars can be used on dogs with sensitive skin to repel the fleas that already have infested the dog's fur. Simply take 7 to 8 drops of peppermint oil, 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice, 3 to 4 drops of clary sage and 1 to 2 drops of citronella. Add these oils to ½ ounce of almond oil or olive oil and shake well. Apply a few drops of the mixture to a bandanna or cotton collar to use as a safe flea collar for your dog.

    Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

    • Diatomaceous Earth is the fossilized remains of many prehistoric plankton. The fine particles in it can kill fleas. When a small amount is sprinkled on the dog's fur, fleas will inhale it, causing their exoskeleton to be punctured. This will cause the fleas to dehydrate and die. Make sure to purchase the natural DE and not the kind made for swimming pool filters. DE can be purchased at most home-improvement stores. If you do not want to put this directly on the dog's fur, it can be sprinkled around your house, in the backyard and in cracks and crevices where fleas hide out.