How to Tell if My Dog Has Kennel Cough

Kennel cough, like many human respiratory infections, is something that spreads easily. In fact, most dogs will have kennel cough at one point or another during their life. Like the human cold and flu, there are a number of different viruses and bacteria that can cause kennel cough. There are vaccines to protect against the most common causes, but since you can't protect against all strains it is a good idea to know the symptoms of kennel cough in case your dog gets sick.

Things You'll Need

  • Thermometer


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      Pay attention to the cough. A dog that has kennel cough will typically have a dry hacking cough. The cough often sounds similar to the honking sound that ducks make. They may also gag, vomit, or dry heave after a coughing spell.

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      Check your dog to see if he has a runny nose. It is not uncommon for dogs with kennel cough to have a thin nasal discharge.

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      Pay attention to your dog's energy level. A dog with kennel cough may become lethargic and sleep more often than normal. He may also tire more quickly during exercise. However, a mild case of kennel cough may not affect his energy level.

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      Watch your dog's appetite. Dogs with more severe cases of kennel cough often lose their appetite. They may eat small amounts of food leaving the bulk of their meal behind or they may forgo eating altogether.

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      Check your dog for fever. A dog's normal body temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Dogs do not typically display outward signs of fever, so if you suspect illness you can take your dog's temperature with a canine ear thermometer or rectal thermometer.