English Bulldog Heart Murmur

Your dog's heart murmur can indicate a serious heart condition. Heart problems can occur in any breed. The bulldog, also called the English or British bulldog, has several common heart problems. Your dog's heart murmur can be genetic or related to other conditions. A heart murmur should be evaluated to determine the cause and potential danger.

  1. Heart Murmur

    • The sound of a heart murmur is generally due to valves not working correctly and allowing blood to flow backward. A dog's heart has right and left atria and ventricle chambers. The murmur may be caused by the valve either between atria and ventricular or between the ventricles and the aorta, the large artery that carries blood away from the heart to the arteries, according to Vetinfo.


    • You may be able to hear the heart murmur. Other signs of a heart murmur include frequent hacking cough, breathing problems and fatigue following exercise, according to Vetinfo. Heart murmurs may cause your dog to have insufficient oxygen, which can cause symptoms such as fainting and the tongue or gums to have a bluish tint.


    • Heart murmurs have many causes, including genetics, high blood pressure, obesity, anemia and several types of heart disorders. According to Vetinfo, dogs may develop heart murmur because of age-related issues. In puppies, a heart murmur may be due to fever, excitement or infection, according to the Bulldog Club of America (BCA). According to Vetinfo, heart murmurs in puppies may go away or become worse. The BCA recommends full evaluation of any heart murmurs in puppies because of the breed issue with congenital heart defects.

    Heart Disorders

    • Bulldogs have several known heart problems that may produce murmurs. Pulmonic stenosis is blockage of the blood flow between the heart and lungs, according to University of Prince Edward Island. Subaortic stenosis (SAS) is a narrowing of the passage between the heart and the aorta, according to Marvista Animal Medical Center. The mitral valve controls blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle. Ventricular septal defect is a hole between the right and left ventricles.


    • Your veterinarian can often hear a heart murmur with a stethoscope. Diagnosing the cause of the murmur may require different procedures, including urine and blood analysis, X-rays, echocardiogram and an electrocardiogram, according to Vetinfo. Your veterinarian may perform these procedures or refer your dog to a cardiac veterinary specialist.


    • Treatment for your dog will depend on the cause of the heart murmur, your dog's age and its health. Some common treatments include diet, medication and surgery, according to Vetinfo. Treatment may help prevent a murmur from causing stress on the heart and heart failure. Surgery to repair stenosis for severe cases is an option. With SAS, medications, such as beta blockers, may be as effective as surgery, according to Marvista Animal Medical Center.