Advocate Flea & Tick Prevention Information

Fleas and ticks are the most common parasites affecting dogs and cats worldwide, according to the website Pet Education. In addition to causing discomfort for your pet, fleas and ticks can transmit a variety of dangerous parasites and bacteria. Fleas and ticks are also zoonotic organisms, meaning they can be transmitted from pets to humans. Controlling fleas and ticks on your pet is an important part of keeping you both healthy. Many flea and tick control products are available on the market today. Advocate treats fleas but not ticks; however, it can be used in tandem with other products to treat both.

  1. Parasites Affected by Advocate

    • Advocate kills adult fleas that feed on your pet. It also helps to eradicate heartworm, hookworm, roundworm and whipworm. Advocate also kills ear mites, according to the veterinary website Medihub.


    • Advocate is composed of the chemicals imidacloprid and moxidectin. According to Pet Education, imidacloprid and moxidectin are relatively new insecticides with a wide margin of safety when compared to insectides in the pyrethrin family.


    • Imidacloprid affects nerve conduction in insects. It blocks nerve receptors, killing fleas but not ticks. Moxidectin affects invertebrate muscle and nerve cells, paralyzing the organisms, resulting in death, according to the Dr. Foster and Dr. Smith Pharmacy.

    Side Effects

    • According to Pet Education, side effects in dogs can include rubbing, licking or scratching the site of application; decreased appetite; lethargy or hyperactivity. In cats, side effects can include excessive sleeping; lethargy; excessive grooming, pacing, hiding or hyperactivity; tremors; increased drinking; increased salivation; and coughing.


    • While Advocate is typically tolerated well by both dogs and cats, certain animals can have a strong sensitivity. It is important to carefully monitor your pet during treatment and consult your veterinarian if you notice any adverse reactions. Prompt treatment is important, according to Medihub.