Supplements for Dogs With Smelly Skin From Allergies

When a dog is suffering from skin problems, including those brought on by allergies, the skin can have a foul-smelling odor to it. Shampoos and sprays can help with the problem, but they typically treat only the superficial issue. Supplements, however, help the dog from the inside out and use all-natural ingredients to do so.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

    • Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that can have healing properties. According to Dr. Holly Nash of Doctors Foster and Smith, omega-3 fatty acids have long been used to provide dogs with healthy, shiny coats. Recently, doctors have started to realize the other benefits that fatty acids provide dogs, including helping with inflammation and organ function. When a dog has allergies, it often develops skin issues as a result. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements not only bring oil to the skin--which in turn can help the coat become more lustrous--it also helps the body react appropriately to allergens. Nash states that when the body is exposed to allergens, its immune system overreacts, causing an allergic response such as skin problems. The fatty acids can help to lessen the effects of the allergen. For best results, choose an omega-3 fatty acid supplement that contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

    Vitamin Supplements

    • Supplements that contain vitamins are also typically effective when treating smelly skin allergies. According to, vitamins A and E are extremely beneficial for a dog's skin and coat. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps to produce healthy hair. In high doses, vitamin E possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help to fight allergy-related skin issues. Vitamin C is also helpful in treating allergy skin, as it helps to boost the dog's immune system, which can help fight the allergens and the body's response to them.

    Omega-6 Fatty Acid Supplements

    • The linolenic acid found in omega-6 fatty acids can help resolve dry, flaky skin. In addition, the gamma-linolenic acid found in omega-6 fatty acids often helps fight against allergies. Therefore, omega-6 fatty acid supplements are typically helpful in alleviating a dog's allergy-related skin issues. Omega-6 fatty acids are similar to omega-3 fatty acids in the way they help the skin, but they contain more components. Look for omega-6 fatty acid supplements that also contain arachidonic and dihomogamma linolenic acids.