Panacur Suspension is a veterinarian-prescribed drug that effectively rids household pets like cats and dogs of any intestinal parasites. It is used for farm animals as well. Panacur Suspension typically de-worms the animal by killing parasites. The body then expels the worms through its waste. Your vet can determine whether your pet has worms by taking a stool sample and then reviewing it.
Puppy Treatment
Young puppies will typically receive Panacur Suspension drug in the form of a liquid. If you get a new puppy (or cat), ask your veterinarian about a deworming treatment as part of your pet's initial checkup and regular visits. The amount of Panacur Suspension that is given to treat your young pet is typically based on body weight, but may also be based on the pet's overall health and results from its initial examination. A series of treatments may be recommended; often puppies are treated at two, five, eight and 12 weeks of age. Others may not require multiple treatments.
Adult Dog Treatment
Once a dog has been dewormed with medication, the frequency of treatments may depend on a variety of factors. If your dog is an indoor dog only and is not around other pets, there is less likelihood of an infestation (or re-infestation). Usually, your vet will recommend getting a stool sample to make sure your pet is free from parasites at every check-up, just to be sure. If your pet is around other animals, is outdoors often or is kept at a kennel, the chance for an infestation is typically greater. Some pets receive regular treatment as part of their overall care.
Pregnancy Considerations
Pregnant dogs can still be treated for parasites safely. Pregnant dogs can typically be safely treated with Panacur Supension under a veterinarian's guidance. The vet determines treatment length, but the norm is three to five days of the drug taken orally. Depending on which parasite is being treated, additional treatments may sometimes be recommended. Newborn puppies must also be treated after birth if the mother is infested with parasites.
Method of Treatment
Panacur Suspension is typically administered by mouth, generally right after a pet has eaten. The drug can be given as either a liquid or as a tablet. The reason for giving after eating is to prevent the animal from developing an upset stomach and vomiting up the medication. In dogs, the drug is used to treat parasites like hoodworms, roundworms and whipworms along with lungworms and other intestinal parasites. Pet owners should remember that deworming of a pet is necessary, as many pet parasites can be contagious to humans.
While side effects are rare, some animals develop upset stomachs and vomiting or are nauseated after receiving a deworming treatment using Panacur Suspension. Typically, however, the deworming treatment and preventative care utilizing Panacur Suspension is generally found to be safe when taken in accordance with recommended dosage and treatment levels.