What Common Household Thing Can I Give My Dog for Anxiety on Car Trips?

Car rides can produce anxiety for some dogs. The fear of the car noise, the unusual motion or unpleasant associations (like a trip to the vet or ride to the pound) will often cause drooling, shaking, even vomiting. Creating a natural, positive experience may take some time and effort, but will make your life and his a lot easier.

  1. A Light meal and a Window Seat

    • Most dogs ride better on a near-empty stomach, and smaller meal portions before a road trip is best. Providing your dog with a cracked window--allowing him to catch the scents and a cool breeze will help to distract him. If your car has air bags, a back seat is safer than the front.

    Familiar Surroundings

    • Packing his favorite toy or blanket helps. If your dog has a portable bed, lay it down in the car. If there is room and the dog is crate-trained, bring the crate. Familiar toys and trappings will ease your pet's automobile anxiety.

    Get Him Re-acquainted with the Auto

    • Start slow and build. Get in the car with your dog, give him a treat and have one yourself. Talk to him without the car running. Make it short, fun and relaxed. Repeat this step several times on different occasions.

    Idling Adjustment

    • Repeat the above step, with the car idling. Double-up on the dog treats and have him relaxed before ending the session. Do this several times on different occasions.

    Down the Driveway and Beyond

    • Once your dog is used to the engine sounds, drive the car up and down the driveway to get him comfortable with the car's movement. Again, give treats and praise and repeat until you your dog appears comfortable. Then, leave the driveway and go for a short ride. Gradually increase the ride distance until your dog is cool with car travel.