How to Brush Your Dog's or Cat's Teeth

Brushing your cat's or dog's teeth is simple after you've had a few practice sessions. Try to do this every day to promote healthy teeth and gums.

Things You'll Need

  • Dental Kits (for Dogs)
  • Doggie Toothbrushes
  • Dog Treats
  • Dog Toothpastes


    • 1

      Have a veterinarian check your pet's teeth before you start a tooth-brushing program. If your pet has gum disease or damaged teeth, the process will be painful and he will associate pain with tooth brushing. He may even bite you.

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      Get your cat or dog used to your looking into his mouth. After each time you do so, reward him with a treat or praise.

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      Buy a pet dental kit, including toothpaste (made for dogs and cats) and a toothbrush, at a pet store or from your vet. Follow the kit's instructions for use. Research alternatives, such as a finger toothbrush, if your pet refuses to let you brush his teeth with a toothbrush. Ask your veterinarian for suggestions.

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      Place your cat or dog on a comfortable surface while brushing his teeth.

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      In general, try to use minimal restraint on your pet while brushing'especially if it's a cat. However, it may be easier to handle an especially reluctant cat by wrapping him in a towel to keep him from scratching or trying to escape.

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      Brush your cat's or dog's teeth with a gentle, massaging motion.

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      Reward your cat or dog with a tartar-control treat after the procedure.