Hot Spot Treatment for a Golden Retriever Dog

A hot spot is an area of bacterial infection on a golden retriever's skin. It is a red, oozing skin lesion with a foul odor. Often they are painful, and the golden retriever will lick the area obsessively. The onset of a hot spot can be fast--they seem to appear out of no where and get bigger rapidly. The heavy coat of the golden retriever makes them one of several breeds that are prone to developing hot spots.

  1. Clip the Hair

    • The golden retriever's hair should be clipped to the skin around the hot spot. This allows air to get to the skin, which prevents further spread of the bacteria. It also facilitates treatment and allows the owner to keep an eye on the infection.

    Clean the Area

    • A gentle disinfectant solution is used to clean the bacteria from the hot spot, and it encourages blood flow to the area. A dilute solution of an antiseptic is optimal for golden retrievers.


    • If the hot spot on the golden retriever is severe enough, an oral antibiotic might be necessary. This will keep the infection from becoming systemic.

    Keep the Golder Retriever From Licking the Area

    • If there is a large behavioral component to the licking--or if the hot spot is really inflamed and itchy--the golden retriever might continue to lick the area. An Elizabethan collar will keep your dog from licking the hot spot.

    Underlying Causes

    • Hot spots in golden retrievers are potentially a symptom of a larger issue. Allergies, whether to fleas or pollens, can cause hot spots. The thick hair of a golden retriever can get matted and provide the perfect environment for bacteria. Certain behaviors trigger hot spots when the golden retriever licks the skin out of boredom or anxiety. A veterinarian can help identify the underlying causes of the hot spot.


    • Golden retrievers are very stoic and friendly dogs, in general. However, if they are in pain from the hot spot, they might bite. Caution should always be used when dealing with a dog in pain.