Hair Loss From Ear Infection in Dogs

Dog ear hair loss, also known as canine alopecia is a lack of hair where hair would normally be. It can be caused by several factors, including excessive itching and secondary factors that lead to itching, such as ear mites or mange. However, common causes of hair loss are ear infections. An ear infection is a growth of bacteria or viruses in the ear.

  1. Hair

    • Your dog's hair is important for several reasons. It protects the skin, keeps him warm in the winter and stops hot air from reaching his skin in warm weather.

    Ear Infections

    • Many infections cause ear hair loss, including fungal and bacterial infections. A common ear infection that causes hair loss is sarcoptic mange, also known as scabies, according to the Dog Health Guide. Another infection that causes hair loss is dermatophytosis, also known as ringworm. However, this type of infection is less common on the ears. Pyoderma is an infection of the skin from bacteria or other infectious means. Pyodermas that involve hair follicles cause hair loss.


    • In addition to hair loss, one or both ears may be inflamed or irritated. Additional symptoms may include discharge from the ears and a foul smell. Your dog may also itch and scratch at the ear. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian, because the hair loss and infection may get worse.


    • An infection can cause hair on the ear to thin so much that the hair becomes invisible. Fungal infections can cause complete or partial hair loss, which may be associated with scaling or redness in that area. In addition to redness and crusting, bacterial infections cause circular patterns of hair loss. The area of hair loss may also appear dirty.

    Hair Loss Treatment

    • Your veterinarian will treat the infection of the ear rather than the hair loss itself. Once the cause of the hair loss is treated, the hair will grow back.

      "If your dog has an ear infection, he will probably need antibiotics, " according to the Dog Health Guide notes. "He may also need medicated ear drops. If he has a fungal infection, such as ringworm, he will need a medicated cream to put on the infected area. As the infection clears up, the hair will regrow."

      Other treatment options may include daily cleaning and grooming of the remaining hair.

      "Brushing dead and matted hair out of the coat may help to relieve symptoms that lead to alopecia," according to Pet Place."

      If your dog frequently looses hair due to ear infections, herbal drops may be available at your local pet store.