Revolution for Mange in Dogs

Mange in dogs is a skin disease caused by mites. Mites are microscopic creatures that are related to spiders. These mites can cause itchiness and red scaly skin. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports safety concerns with some of the spot-on pesticides commonly used to treat mange in dogs. Medications such as Revolution are not pesticides registered by the EPA and are effective in treatment of mange, according to the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center in California.

  1. Mange

    • Mites can dig into your dog's skin and cause discomfort due to itchiness and inflammation. Mange also can be accompanied by hair loss. Another problem with this condition is the possibility of secondary bacterial infections. Though mange may mimic other conditions, including allergies, a veterinarian will often treat your pet for mange as a precaution.

    Description of Revolution

    • Revolution is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medication that is prescription-only. It can only be obtained from a veterinarian. It is topically applied, but works systemically and is a broad-spectrum parasiticide. It is effective in fighting many parasites, including the mite that causes mange in dogs, according to the manufacturer.

    Spreading Mites

    • Direct contact in animals facilitates the transfer of mites. Some dogs actually may be carriers even though they show no sign of mange. Humans can also be affected by this mite. The most effective way to fight these mites it to use a treatment such as Revolution on your pets. It is necessary to treat all the animals in the household and not just the dog visibly affected.

    Regular Use

    • If you use Revolution on a monthly basis in your pets, you can prevent mange in your animals. However, if there is a mange infection present you may need to use an extra dose after two weeks, according to Mar Vista. This regular treatment is usually well-tolerated. If there are side effects, they are minimal. Some animals may have digestive upset. It is important to avoid using this product in sick or underweight dogs.


    • The movement of the mite in and on the skin is very uncomfortable for your pet. In addition, the burrowed mites and their eggs cause an allergic response that increases the itchiness. As this progresses, eventually much of your dog's body will be affected. In order to alleviate the dog's suffering, consult your veterinarian about confirming a mange diagnosis and available treatment options, including Revolution.