How to Properly Brush a Dog's Teeth

Pets need to have their teeth consistently cleaned, just as humans do. Failure to clean your dog's teeth can lead to bad breath, receding gum lines, infections, tooth decay and tooth loss.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft toothbrush
  • Canine toothpaste
  • Tartar-control dog treats


    • 1

      Let your dog lick some toothpaste off your finger so it becomes accustomed to the taste. Praise and reward your pet with a tartar-control treat when it does. You may need to try this over several days to familiarize your dog with the process.

    • 2

      Introduce your dog to its toothbrush by letting it taste the toothpaste from the brush. Again, praise and reward your pet when it does this. You may also need to repeat this process over several days so your dog can get used to the bristles.

    • 3

      Gently brush your dog's teeth in a back and forth motion when it is accustomed to the toothpaste and toothbrush. Continue praising your pet during the process.

    • 4

      Gently lift your dog's upper lip and move the brush in a circular motion at a 45-degree angle to the gum line to clean the sides of the teeth. Continue praising as you brush.

    • 5

      Give your dog a tartar-control treat as a reward when you feel the job has been accomplished. A reward will make it easier for you to get your dog to participate in future teeth-cleaning sessions.