How to Cure Loose Stools

Along with many of your body's processes, you might not pay much attention to your bathroom habits until they present a problem. Frequent loose stools, also known as diarrhea, can cause you to make numerous trips to the bathroom. A variety of causes, including diet and illness, create this condition. Addressing the reason for your loose stools can resolve the problem and help your digestive system return to its regular schedule.

Things You'll Need

  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Clear liquids
  • Gelatin
  • Bland foods


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      Keep a food log to uncover any food sources that may be causing your loose stools. Use a small notebook or a calendar with plenty of room for writing. Write down everything you eat and drink during the course of the day. Include medications and vitamin supplements, as well as any herbs or other therapeutic items you consume. Make a note of your bowel movements in your journal to help you determine how your diet affects your digestive health.

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      Get rid of the items that can cause diarrhea. Consult your food log to determine which foods might be causing your loose stools. Reduce your intake of dairy products. Milk and other dairy products can cause or prolong loose stools, especially if you have difficulty digesting lactose. Avoid eating spicy, fatty meals and foods high in fiber. Don't eat any foods past their expiration date. Avoid apple and pear juices and drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea and caffeinated sodas.

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      Drink clear liquids to minimize your risk of dehydration. Sip on water and broth, especially if your loose stool movements occur frequently. The Mayo Clinic recommends eating a little gelatin to help with loose stools. Consume small amounts of bland solid foods, gradually adding them as your digestive system allows. Nibble on soda crackers and toast. Eat some rice, eggs or chicken. Eat a well-balanced diet to avoid a recurrence of loose stools.

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      Talk to your doctor about your loose stools if dietary changes don't resolve your problem. Take your food log to your appointment to show to your doctor. Discuss any known allergies, such as lactose intolerance, that might affect your ability to digest food properly. Your doctor may want to place you on antibiotics or perform some tests to determine the cause of your loose stools.