How to Get Rid of Dog Hiccups

When it comes to water and food, dogs can have an insatiable appetite. This can cause the hungry or thirsty canine to come down with a nasty case of the hiccups. Hiccups are caused by spasms in the diaphragm that result in hard rushes of air, which causes the familiar sound. Often, hiccups will last only for a few minutes and will go away on their own. Other times, the hiccups can be severe and may last for several hours.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Milk
  • Dog treats


    • 1

      Offer the dog some water, milk or its favorite treat. Eating or drinking can cause an interruption in breathing that can end the hiccups. The puppy may not accept the offering right away because of the discomfort the hiccups may cause, so persistence is key.

    • 2

      Play a vigorous game such as fetch with the dog. The hard play will cause more heavy breathing in the dog, which can bring an end to the hiccups.

    • 3

      Attempt to startle or scare the dog. Jump out from behind a door or scream unexpectedly at it. Just like in humans, a scare can shock the dog's respiratory system back into a normal rhythm. Avoid using this technique on a regular basis because you may end up causing unneeded stress in the dog.

    • 4

      Give the dog a massage or allow it to sit alone and relax in a quiet room. Many times hiccups in dogs may also be caused by stress. Using these techniques will help the diaphragm relax, which will bring an end to the hiccups.