Pet Supplements for Skin Problems

Skin problems are common among dogs and cats. Constant scratching or licking can cause animals to lose patches of hair or develop "hot spots"̵1;skin lesions that refuse to heal. If your pet is prone to skin problems, he may not be getting enough essential fatty acids (EFAs) in his everyday food. You may want to try a dietary supplement to correct this deficiency.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    • Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce itching by preventing the formation of proteins that can cause inflammation. Examples are alpha linolenic acid (found in vegetable oils) and docosahexaenoic acid (found in fish oil). Commercial omega-3 supplements such as Dermaquin are sold in the form of liquid-filled capsules for both dogs and cats. They should be used if your pet is getting enough omega-6 fatty acids in her food. When omega-3 fatty acids are added to omega-6, itching can be substantially reduced.

    Fatty Acid Combinations

    • If your pet may not be getting enough omega-6 fatty acid, which is essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin, try a supplement that provides a range of EFAs. Some contain omega-3 and omega-6, considered to be the ideal combination for dogs. Cat formulations may add omega-9. Vetri-Science Laboratories, the maker of the supplement Omega 3-6-9, says the presence of omega-9 helps cats convert omega-6 into a digestible form. This product is a blend of oils from borage seed, flax seed and fish.

    Natural Products

    • Some manufacturers emphasize that their supplements are made of only natural ingredients, part of a trend toward organic foods for both pets and people. One such company, NaturVet, makes an omega-3-6-9 supplement that includes flax seed oil, fish oil, dried Norwegian kelp, biotin and ester-C. The company also manufactures salmon oil gel caps.

    Homemade Supplements

    • Some people question the quality of commercial pet dietary supplements. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration closed down DVM Pharmaceuticals, maker of a popular EFA supplement, DermCaps. If you're concerned about quality, purchase omega-3 oils in liquid form at a health food store. Flax seed oil is fine for dogs, but fish oil is recommended for cats.