Yogurt Solutions for Shih Tzu Eye Discharge

Shih tzus as a breed are prone to eye infections and discharge due to their characteristically large eyes. Yogurt is a natural way to help promote your shih tzu's immune system and ward off eye infections and yeast infections that cause eye discharge. However, talk to your veterinarian about any specific health or dietary concerns first.

  1. Benefits

    • Yogurt is good for you and your dog.

      Yogurt is beneficial for your dog the same way it is for you. Yogurt contains live bacteria called probiotics, which replace unwanted bacteria with healthy bacteria. The healthy bacteria aids digestion and helps the body fight off infections. Yogurt is a healthy alternative that works with your dog's own immune system.

    Meals and Treats

    • Make your own dog treats.

      One way to add a little yogurt to your dog's diet is to mix a tablespoon of yogurt into what you normally feed the dog. Most pet stores also sell dog treats with yogurt in them or icing to put on your own dog treats. You may also want to make your own yogurt treats at home.

    What to Avoid

    • Check to see what is right for your pet.

      Do not feed your dog flavored yogurts or yogurts with a lot of sugar. Plain yogurt is the healthiest option for your dog because it does not contain excessive sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can upset a dog's stomach. The yogurt you give your dog should contain active cultures to get the benefits of probiotics. Yogurts with cooked cultures can lead to yeast infections.


    • Antibiotics may kill off the good bacteria your dog needs.

      If your shih tzu has been on antibiotics for any medical reasons, they may weaken your dog's immune system. While antibiotics treat medical conditions, they may also leave your dog with side effects from an imbalance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in its system. A yeast infection is a common problem after the use of antibiotics. Changing your dog's diet and including foods such as yogurt can help get your dog's health back on track.


    • Some dogs may be sensitive to yogurt or be lactose intolerant. Stop feeding your dog yogurt if you notice any side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea. Also young dogs may not tolerate yogurt as well as full-grown dogs.