How to Kill Seed Ticks With Frontline

Ticks, a nuisance for pets, also cause infections and spread diseases such as Lyme disease. Seed ticks are not a specific species of ticks; they are tick larvae. After the seed ticks hatch, they climb onto a pet or other host to drink blood. If your pet goes outdoors, protect him from ticks and fleas. Frontline is a topically applied medication that can kill existing ticks and prevent ticks from climbing onto your pet in the first place.

Things You'll Need

  • Comb
  • Paper
  • Lamp
  • Magnifying glass
  • Frontline product appropriate for your pet
  • Latex gloves


    • 1

      Brush your pet's coat with a fine-toothed comb. Empty the contents of the comb onto a piece of white paper. Place the paper under a lamp and, with a magnifying glass, examine the combings. If you notice tiny black dots with six legs that may be wriggling around, these are seed ticks. If you do not notice ticks, but still suspect your pet was exposed to ticks, continue to comb and examine the fur. You may also part the fur directly on your pet and examine the skin to look for ticks that are already latched onto your pet.

    • 2

      Select the appropriate Frontline product for your pet. Your veterinarian can help you with this. For example, if you have a cat, select the Frontline Plus product intended for cats. Dogs may be protected with products specifically geared toward their weight class. There is a Frontline Plus product for dogs who weigh up to 22 pounds, one for 89 to 132 pounds, and every weight in between.

    • 3

      Remove one applicator and break off or bend the tip to allow you to squeeze the medication out. Hold the applicator with its tip upward as you do so.

    • 4

      Hold your pet still. Brush aside fur at the nape of your pet's neck and apply the medication directly to the skin. Empty the entire applicator onto that single location; do not spread the medication around. Regardless of where the ticks are located on your pet, Frontline should always be applied to the nape of the neck as it will distribute itself to kill all the seed ticks. Smooth the fur back down over the medicated spot. Wash your hands thoroughly.

    • 5

      Avoid petting or rubbing your pet at the medication site for about a day to allow the medication to properly distribute itself.

    • 6

      Re-apply FRONTLINE in one month.

    • 7

      Bring your pet to his vet if he has a severe infestation of seed ticks. A vet may use Frontline spray to quickly get rid of seed ticks. If you prefer to apply the spray yourself, don latex gloves. Mist the spray all over your pet's body while ruffling his fur with the other hand. Spray Frontline on a gloved hand and rub it into the head and around the eye area, taking care to avoid the eyes.