Home Remedies for Allergy Infections in Dog Ears

Having an allergy to pet dander remains common among people, but, surprisingly, having a pet with its own allergy also remains a common ailment. A dog with a skin allergy, for instance, may have chronic ear infections. Chronic ear infections caused by yeast are also related to allergies, according to information from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois. Certain home remedies help prevent and even cure these allergy-related ear infections.

  1. Vinegar and Water

    • At the first sign of an ear infection, no matter the cause, pour 2 cups of vinegar, 1 cup of water and 1 tbsp. of rubbing alcohol into a spray bottle. Spray the solution into your dog's ear and use a cotton ball to gently wipe the ear clean. In addition, you can spray the mix into your dog's ears and massage the ear to push the solution deeper into the ear canal. The vinegar makes the inside of the ear too acidic for yeast or bacteria to grow, while the alcohol keeps wax from building up.

    Prevention as Treatment

    • Preventing ear infections caused by allergies remains the best home treatment. Avoid ear infections by cleaning your dog's ears on a weekly basis. Dogs with ear flaps are susceptible to infections because of the dark, moist area created by the flap. Different allergens like yeast or other foreign bodies will thrive and lead to infection. Weekly cleanings also help you notice the first signs of infection. For cleaning, use a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the inside of the ear to remove any dirt.

    Elimination Diet

    • Consider an elimination diet for a dog experiencing chronic ear infections. Food allergies cause ear infections in some animals. Eliminating different foods over a period of eight to 16 weeks uncovers which ingredient is the allergen, according to information on the website of the American Animal Hospital Association. Use a dog food with protein from an unusual source, such as kangaroos, and watch your dog's symptoms. If the infection clears up, put your dog on its old diet and see if the symptoms return. If the ear infection returns, you have your allergen.