Cinnamon & Honey for Cancer in Dogs

Cancer is a debilitating disease which is hard enough for humans to conquer. There has been research into using cinnamon and honey to help treat cancer and the many side effects of treatment in dogs.

  1. Bone Cancer

    • Research in Australia and Japan has shown that that taking 1 tbsp. spoon of honey with 3 tsp. of cinnamon three times a day helped to cure humans with bone cancer. By adjusting the dosage for your dog it is possible the same results could be achieved.

    The Immune System

    • One of the unfortunate side effects of cancer treatments is the effect on the immune system. Using honey and cinnamon helps build the immune system up by building the white blood cells that fight bacteria.

    Stomach Upset

    • Another side effect from cancer treatment is stomach upset and nausea. These symptoms can become so strong that the patient looses strength and weight. Placing honey and cinnamon in your dog's food or water can help him keep eating and build his strength.


    • Both the cancer and the treatment can bring about excruciating pain. Cinnamon on its own has natural pain killing properties. It works as an anti-inflammatory and can help reduce stiffness in muscles and joints.

    Blood Circulation

    • Cinnamon helps the blood circulate through the body at a faster rate. It has blood thinning properties that help newly oxygenated blood arrive to the organs. Clean, healthy blood is essential in the fight against cancer for both people and animals.